Homeowners Insurance
Your home isn't just a house, but the place where you live with your loved ones, make eternal memories, and restore your soul at night. Also your home might be your single greatest asset so buying great coverage is more important than ever. Although disaster can strike, it doesn't have to be financially devastating. From small losses to huge disasters, we have many insurance solutions for you.

Homeowners Insurance

As an independent agency, we give you OPTIONS.
We work with many insurance companies which allows us to offer you competitive rates with excellent coverage.  As an independent agency, we can shop your insurance with MANY different companies to find a solution best for you, both in affordability and coverage.

Homeowners Insurance Policy Coverages
Protects your house and any structures attached to your home, like your garage and porch.* 

Covers separate structures on your property like a detached garage, shed, or gazebo.*

Covers your personal belongings. Some property is subject to a special limit of liability and should be scheduled separately.*

Covers additional living expenses related to maintaining the normal standard of living of the household after a loss. For example your hotel stay and additional food expense to eat out.*

Covers you against lawsuits for injury or property damage that you or your family members cause to other people. It also pays for damage caused by your pets. The liability coverage in your standard homeowners policy pays both for the cost of defending you and for any damages a court rules you must pay. With a few exceptions, such as auto or boating accidents, your liability coverage follows you wherever you go.*

Medical payments compensates others who sustain an injury while on your property, or whom you injure accidentally. (Like a guest your child accidentally hits with a badly pitched ball.) This coverage excludes the people who live in your house. An important feature of this coverage is that payment is made regardless of legal liability.*

We have access to dozens, if not hundreds of different endorsements to expand and enhance your coverage, providing you a solution that is tailored to your needs. Also, many of which are available for less than $30/year. Endorsements that we commonly offer are:
  • WATER BACK-UP Covers water that backs up from below ground through sewer or drain pipes.*
  • UTILITY LINE COVERAGE Covers underground plumbing such as sewer, drainage and water lines, electrical lines, and communication lines.*
  • EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN Covers sudden and accidental breakdown of your home equipment such as your generator, well pump, or pool heater, PERSONAL INJURY* Covers non-bodily injuries, such as libel, slander, wrongful entry, and false arrest.*
  • SCHEDULED PERSONAL PROPERTY Schedule personal property such as jewelry, guns, bikes, cameras, coins, art, jewelry, instruments, silverware, stamps, golfers equipment, and furs.*
  • ADDITIONAL LIMITS OF LIABILITY FOR COVERAGE A, B, C AND D* Extends coverages A-D to replacement cost or 125% of current limit in the event of a shortfall.*
*The information provided here may not apply to all insurance programs. Please complete an insurance application and consult with one of our agents to determine eligibility. The descriptions in this guide do not represent contract terms. Exclusions and deductibles apply.  Please consult one of our agents for an explanation of coverages and to help you find a homeowners insurance program that meets your needs and circumstances.

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