Service Line Coverage

Broken service lines are a common problem in Western New York and can be very costly to repair. As a homeowner, you are responsible to repair or replace broker service lines on your property. This may come as a shock as something you expected the utility company to be required to repair, but that is simply not often the case. Similarly, you might have expected that since you purchased a homeowners insurance policy, that your service lines are automatically covered, when in fact no coverage is in place. 

No worries! Getting coverage put in place is simple and easy! NYCM is offering Service Line Coverage that can be purchased with Homeowners insurance. Service Line covers underground plumbing, electrical lines, and communication lines. NYCM's Service Line endorsement covers up to $10,000 and has a $500 deductible. This is particularly beneficial to those who carry a higher policy deductible, such as $1,000 as a claim under this endorsement would still only be $500. For full endorsement details and exclusions please call us.

Example Uses:
  • A sewer line damaged by tree root growth on an insured property that required the sewer line to be replaced. The driveway and landscaping damaged from sewer line repair.  
  • An electrical line covered by ice tore off the house and damaged the main.
  • A drainage line collapsed and needed a segment to be replaced. 
As you can see, Service Line Coverage is an excellent way to prevent a major out of pocket expense in the event of a service line loss or damage.

As an independent agency, we represent multiple insurance carriers.  A similar coverage is also available through our agency with Ontario Insurance known as Underground Utility Line Endorsement. For additional information on NYCM's Service Line, or Ontario Insurance's Underground Utility Line Endorsement, call us today.