"Full Coverage" Pitfalls

It's is no secret that many Americans struggle to understand the insurance they have or need. When we quote new customers and ask for their current limits, we often hear them use the phrase of having "full coverage" but they don't know what their limits are. Perhaps you even used this term. Although it's commonly used, it can be exceptionally misleading.

"Full coverage" usually refers to whether or not your covered auto has physical damage, also known as comprehensive and collision. Full coverage can be misleading because it lends you to believe that you're fully covered for everything, but in reality, you are not. For instance, you could have minimum limits of 25/50/10 which is bodily injury limits of $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident, and a property damage limit of $10,000, and still have "full coverage" just because you have comprehensive and collision too. Does that sound like full coverage to you? Clearly, you could be exceptionally underinsured in this situation.  A $10,000 property damage limit could be used up in a mere second and leave you with a huge liability exposure!

The best way to escape the "full coverage" trap is to determine what being fully covered means to you and not depend on this vague term any longer. Just like you, your insurance needs are unique, and we are here to help! We want you to have the coverage you need -no more, no less. That is why we're committed to getting to know you so we can help you obtain the coverage you need in order to protect your family and assets.