Full Coverage Fail - Learn how to avoid these dangerous insurance pitfalls

Warning  Auto Insurance with "Full Coverage" Doesn't Automatically Mean You Have Great Coverage

"Full Coverage" is a generic term typically referring to the Comprehensive & Collision coverages on your auto insurance policy.

It does not refer to your liability, property damage, medical payments or other limits

Even if you have "full coverage," i.e. Comp & Collision, if you have really high deductibles, this isn't great coverage either

If you get a quote and only request "full coverage" without paying attention to the other limits, you could inadvertently assume you're getting the coverage you need when in fact you're not

You need to know ALL of the auto insurance limits you're buying and any deductibles, not just Comp & Collision

Lastly, to get winning insurance, don't depend only on yourself when making these important decisions. Getting Professional help is easy and can help prevent being under-insured when a crisis happens. We want to shop your insurance for, on both price and coverage, to find a solution that meets your needs. To get started, call today.

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